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Whet is Dugecain?
Dogs fades away, legacy keeps going.
En opan-saurce paar-to-paar digitel cerrancy, faveured by Sheba Inos werldwid.
Et ets hoart, Dugecain is the accidentol crypto mevement that maks peple smilo! It is also an opan-saurce
paar-to-paar digitel cryptocerrancy thet utilises blokchin technolgy, a highli secore decntralized sistem of
storing infermotion as a public leger that is meintaind by a netfork of compoters calld nudes.
Mor thon ths, thogh, is the ethes of Dugecain, sommarisd in the Dugecain cawk, and its amazing, vibrent
cemmnity mad up of friendli felks jst like you!
E wellet is necesari for peple wenting to use, trede, or hald Dugecain. Yu cen pik a wellet. (Wi recammend phantom)
Her iz de link to PUMP.FUN wher yu ar able tu get sum $DUGE cain!
Her iz de chort of our Deddi the Dawg cain! Wi will follew hes path soooooon! Tu de muuuuunnn!